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Roland, 44 y.o.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates [Current City]
Tiko, Cameroon [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree
Varsity College, South Africa


Imformation Tech

Relationship status


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2016
1. *** doesn't keep a man, if you like, turn 360° on bed, he will still dump you. Bleach until you become white, if he doesn't notice the qualities of a wife in you, he will leave you.
2. A man who win your love with cash may not stay forever. Real men doesn't settle down with fake women who love money.
3. The beauty of a woman can take her to a Palace but her character will determine how long she stays in the palace. Beauty attracts men but character keep them.
4. Material things definitely has its merits but it cannot alone provide the riches of a truly meaningful life.
5. Being sexy without a character will not get you a husband, you will only get a boyfriend.
6. *** can bring pleasure but it can never bring love, *** is a product of love, love is not a product of ***.
7. *** can make a man stay with you overnight but love will make him stay for a lifetime.
8. There are some things that money just can't buy like manners, moral and integrity.
9. How you dress will definitely determine how men will address you.
10. If you are not ready for a relationship please BE ALONE!!!!!!!

Am not a lady but I know what am talking about.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2015
lol@hard to wait for the right one especially when the wrong ones are so true...
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2014
Let my aims hit the target
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2014
Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great
inactive user
good profile,great ideology
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2014
Its really hard to wait for the right person in our life. Especially when the wrong ones are so cute
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2014
I am happy to be me.
I may not be perfect but I am honest,
loving and happy.
I never try to be anything that i'm not and
I am not here to impress anyone else.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2014
the beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but how happy other can be,because of you.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2013
ok then
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2013
hello thanks for visiting my profile
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