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Beccy, 28 y.o.
Witten, Germany [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2011
Yeah I love him sooooo much and I never could give up this love. he is the only one for me... We will move in our own flat next march <3 and believe me, there wont be any half nacked girls anymore!

I sooo know what you mean but i will try to find another lawyer where i feel better

Yeah I will write him like thousand times!!! :P
inactive user
Yeah i've never understood that haha. Some guys are jealous and controlling but at the same time have those posters or talk to other girls and all that. But oh well. I can't do anything about it.
Its good that you love him though :)

Yeah i understand. I was in a job that i HATED but i needed it to be able to survive.

HAHA that made me laugh. You're gonna rape his facebook wall? LOL awesome!
inactive user
Hey Beccy,

Oh i see haha. Well I understand where you're coming from. BF/GF can be annoying sometimes. Especially when they are the jealous type. But at least he doesn't understand english that well haha.

Oh ok. Well we sometimes can't do something that we love to do and make money at it. Sometimes we need to do what we have to do to make money and pay the bills. I know how that goes all too well. :/

Your best friend forgot your birthday??!!? :O wow thats not cool. I would have beat up my best friend hahaha. :P
inactive user
Hey Beccy :)

Well im glad you had a great time with your friends and family!

Oh wow you're not teaching anymore? I look forward to hearing more about that.

So everything is the same huh?
Well i'm pretty much doing the same as well. Still doing music. Playing shows and performing. I love it. :)

Hope to talk to you again soon! :P
inactive user
Hey Beccy it's no problem! I hope your birthday was awesome and you had fun!

I miss you so much too!
Im doing ok :) just doing the whole music thing still.
How about you? Still in school?
I'd like to know if there is anything new in your life :D

inactive user
Happy birthday my friend. I just wanted to say that I miss you a lot! I have not forgotten you and never will. Hope you have an amazing birthday! Best wishes

Your friend,
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2011
Namastey..this is indian style dear
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2011
hi nice to meet u
my name is Marwan fron Tunisia : an informatics teacher in a high school
im now in germany exactly in Bayern for a long vacation and maybe i will settle and work here
i like to have friends from Germany and i hope u will be one of them
take care bye
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
Wuiii, how cute you are <3
Love you too, Darling! <3
inactive user
Is there anything in particular you like about it? Where do your friends live? If you ever decide to come to the US, I obviously suggest coming to California :)

I am moving to Berlin in August! I'm sooo excited :) I have been to Germany once in my life but it was only for 3 days in Munich. However... I was sooo crazy when I was there. I remember getting really excited and happy whenever I heard people speaking German! I even took pictures whenever I saw German written on an advertisement :D

Are you going to try and move to the US when you finish school?
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