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Fabio_C, 42 y.o.
Lyon, France [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2011
He's great!!I love his works!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2011
inactive user
Hello, Fabio. Is there any way I could hear you play the mandolin? I play a chinese instrument similar to it as well. =]
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2011
nice taste in music, i got to chill with the creepshow once, it was highly entertaining
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2011
Thank you so much Fabio :)
inactive user
purtroppo non sei il primo che me lo dice!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2010
je suis coréen.
j'habie à Séoul en Corée.
mais j'aimerais aller à Lyon
Vous habiez à Lyon?
inactive user
It's a pity you can't add sicilian as a proper language on this site, it's a distinctive language. I can help you with Italian, if you want. I want to learn french.
inactive user
Very interesting profile!
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