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Flahertie, 33 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 141.
inactive user
Greetings from usa 😊 I saw your pictures are you also an artist? I really like your drawings. How do you like your job in the coffeeshop?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2011
Congratulations, your drawings are so beautiful. Great artist :)
inactive user
Well you will be close to Kilkenny, it's not a city but a big town but it's nice there, there is a beautiful castle there as well and Dublin isn't that far from Tullow really, you can take a bus and be there in about an hour or so. Will you have to always be at the farm?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 15, 2011
I knooow... :( förlåt... I still have to study for exams, but I'll try to do something about it and write a letter. You're definitely waiting too long. Shame on your one and only snailmail penpal :/
inactive user
Oh I know Carlow :P I am from a county near there, Laois. I think the reason it might seem colder here or in London is because the air is maybe damper, and the damp chill seems to get into your bones :( Carlow is nice though, I think you'll like it there :D
inactive user
Woofing eh? I have heard of the concept but I didn't know it was called woofing, that is cool. What kind of farm are you working on and what will you be doing? You should definitely have some rainproof gear - it rains alot in Ireland. It also gets very damp here, I don't think it is like the cold in Scandinavia, this kind of cold gets in your bones. Make sure you have warm, weatherproof gear! Where is the farm in Ireland?
inactive user
Hey Erika, I'm Kieran :) If you are coming to Ireland, make sure to bring a raincoat or umbrella, it tends to rain alot here :P
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2011
Glöm inte att ta en handduk. :P
inactive user
Do it :DD
I want to see :D
inactive user
This is actually my wallpaper :D
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