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Soohan, 25 y.o.
Cheongju-si, South Korea [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2016
good anytime could teach! :)
inactive user
In my case, my first thought after reading your wall was "Why didn't I see this before?! My life is now complete. No... It's not compete yet, I have to write something!" And well, you already know the rest of the story xD
Well, actually, yes, I stalked your wall xD But not everything, just the most interesting ones, I couldn't help it! It was addictive D:
I see... I think it would be nice if we can become friends. As far as I can see about you, I think you are the kind of person who I like being friends with ^o^ So I think I can be patient enough.
Don't worry about those illnesses, I understand it!
inactive user
I just wanna tell you "Bravo" xD I really admire (and also I laughed a lot because of some messages and sentences xD) how you express yourself and answer to some people (well, I have to say it, the best was the answer to noona_unnie x'D). So just, excelent, I admire you. But, I'm not waiting for your answer to this, actually, I don't even mind if you do it or not, it's your decision. It's just that I wanted to tell you because I couldn't help doing it, so now I can sleep in peace xD
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2014
i know =w= plus the palestine-israel is getting worse,@.@ its hella chaos.oh really? a war,i hope that is just a false rumours.we have enough world problems.

you are on school holidays? im jealous >.< im about to start school again next week,and in a few weeks my trial exam and about three month from that my real SPM exam.then i have to think about college and universities TT.TT it is endless~

to think about it,it is quite scary and a loss for people who have been waiting for the school trips.but you people are quite lucky too have school trips on a ferry,here,i must say it is kinda bored and we dont have any river to go on a ferry.a big river.only a small river and if we were lucky enough,we will be allowed to swim in it :D

heh, im pessimist all time,cause you never know when you will be thrown away and will be taken back again =w= yep. i sucks in real life social TT.TT
good time? awwhyeah!its money everywhere lol kidding,its a bless that i still receive 'duit raya' eventhough im 16/17 hahaah
Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2014
oh dont worry,im too XD i've been to coped up with extra classes and next month is my trial exam >.< and i cant even answer an easy question....
oh if you are asking in malaysia,maybe next week or later or sooner (depends) its eidulfitri,which means holidays for a week :D cant wait to eat lots of foods ( *)u(* )/ but yeah,did you heard about the MH17 tragedy? it was tragic and i dont think that this year eidulfitri's going to be as cheerful as,what about you? :3
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2014
wowow!geniuses!.still...too learn biology,physics and chemistry at 14~ so gifted! XD
what school? korea system,one school one stream right?
waaaa~ calculus? i cant even do my addmath ;___; *crying at a corner*
well,we only be given short short time to choose stream after PMR(which i dont even choose,the school just put me according to my PMR results haha)
bio as a fav subject? you must be a curious person,arent you? :D
but i like doing bio's experiment! last month,my teacher conduct a rat/frog cross-section~ and the frogs were muscular,got 6 packs! haha
and chemistry experiment aren't that bad either,but my skirt got discoloured because they dropped the sodium thiosulphate or maybe the hydrocholric acid on them .___.
im sure you will do well! but what age will you be graduating since you are a year early :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 22, 2014
oh thats ok! :D i understand
oh what a sneaky move XD
oh really? i never knew that or that and that hahah clueless me - u -)
oh same! oh wow only 14/15 already learn biology?
i just started it last year and i can say i am lost lamb . . . . . . i should study harder hahah =_=
inactive user
Hello nice to meet you :)
my name is geraldine
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2014
hey nice to meet you!
my name is dinnie :)
so,are you an art student?oh we have something in common haha,the only things that survive is my bean sprout plant which is for my standard 6 project =w=
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2014
nice to meet you too :)
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