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XieFushan, 31 y.o.
Quanzhou, China [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
inactive user
Goodness, you're sounding like a grandpa~ xD yes, I am a junior high school student~ I know, I focus on my studies ^_^
inactive user
But still, it's so young to get married~! Well as long as he's happy, I guess~ ^3^ oh I'm not worried~ I'm still young! Hehe xD
inactive user
Wow~ he is your age and getting married? That's so so young~! ^.^ but good for him, he's in love~ haha don't worry, I've always been single too TT
inactive user
Yes, they were~ because they're a good team >v< oh, a wedding ceremony~? Someone go married~ :D hehe it's very late here~ almost 11pm o_O
inactive user
It is funny~ it's one of my favorite shows! ^^ oh, you have a nice taste in music~
Basketball is very popular here in the us! Lots of people play it ^_^ my favorite teams are the Spurs and the Bulls! ^.^/
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2015
Hi. Nope, I mean, I don't like football so I don't really care about Messi.
inactive user
Haha yes, I personally really like a lot of his songs ^^ what other musical artists do you like?
Ah, is the Big Bang theory popular? It's a great show, it's nice to hear that :D sure, we can be friends~ I would be happy to help you with English ^^/
inactive user
Oh!I see^^
inactive user
I had never heart about this major..
inactive user
You really read it???:o
The original version?
I'm studying international Relations in university.
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