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Lisa, 33 y.o.
Saint-Étienne, France [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 200.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2008
je viens de voir que je n'ai t'ai jamais répondu en fait :$
honte à moi ... je pense que tu ne doit même plus te rappeller m'avoir laisser un msg en fait, puisque ca date de juillet, mais bon ...
merci quand même ^^ avec ENORMEMENT de retard
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2008
Bonjour Liizah how r u 2 day ? ? ?

what u been yp 2 then



xx x x x
inactive user
u know a thing
i dont pall of ur glasses...
inactive user
Lisa! how are you? i havent heard from you in a whileeee
inactive user
heyy, so france huh? do you plan on studying somewhere else for college or are you staying in france?
inactive user
Haha I know. You are right!

Oh to a club, that seems fun!
inactive user
Hha you are a big dreamer. But it would be kind of fun if they did write a novel about themselves. I know I would read it.

Nice to meet you too! How are you doing then?
inactive user
Hahah you are so funny. I also hate when ppl just write hey or whats up. I get so pissed off. Like couldn't u write something I like your pics or anything.
You are the first person who likes smiling..I like it to and I do all the time.. Annoying..
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2008
im glad you like him too
he is one of my favorites
you like anyone else too?
and how is school in france for you?
inactive user
Bonjour. Je m'appelle Kelly. Je suis américaine.

I am trying to learn French but I have only taken sept weeks of the language. haha So, I am not fluent. But I would like to be! Can you help me? :]

Hope you and I can communicate and share cultures!
à bientôt!
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