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SuminLee, 32 y.o.
Cheongju-si, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 31.
inactive user
yeah,summer in japan is so humid that you can bring some handkerchief.haha. Fukuoka??its so near korea,so it wont cost you very much! haha.

hmm...but i think shopping mall in Fukuoka is good too,because there are many shop for korean visitor.and you can eat sushi in fukuoka too!!
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2009
you bought T-shirt from internet site..
woah,that's cool.The T-shirt must be beautiful since you bought it.
inactive user
Hallo? lolz that's =D

haha, I know I get this wrong, but it's almost as if it's going to make you become a professor lol. yeah, more like that. um, you know I was just playing about a short picture book, right? XD

oh in york, it's 12:41pm right now =). I know in your country it's a day ahead but more of a couple of hours past this time =)
inactive user
it won't be a problem ^^ lol
haha okay, I'll make 100% sure of that =D

Professor Mankiw? lol
Holy SNAP!!! O_o LOL 1032 pages???????? that sound like a huge strong word to describe such a book that comes with that amount of pages.....Insanity XD. I would just use picture book that has 7 pages and that's it. I learned it lol =)

I'm cheering for you to make through your study lol =].
inactive user
You'd like bowling. It's a fun game. This might be a stupid question, but do they have bowling alleys in South Korea?
North Korea definitely scares me too. It's got to be even worse being right next to them as oppose to the other side of the world for us.
inactive user i just dont know them because of lack of entertainment knowlwdge;; sorry!! haha.

really?? where in japan do you come?? what is dempness? there is no in my dictionary!!
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2009
nice to meet you too..


what are you doing now?
inactive user
Hi, how are you? Yes, I enjoy bowling. The balls can be heavy, it just depends on what works for you. I have a 10lb ball, I like it because it's light. I do not know how to bowl like a pro or anything, but I can sometimes get a 100 pins or more. I haven't bowled in a long time
inactive user
hi, Takayui,nice to meet you.
yeah ask me anything you want to.

Daishi?? i heard it for the first time and reserched.;;its very minor.
what is Free Tempo??
inactive user
Hi MINYANG. Nice to talk to you. I am happy you come from the good Korea. North Korea wants to kill Americans. lol I am getting offline, but I'll be happy to e-mail you soon
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