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Mitch Haack, 38 y.o.
De Witt, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree
Ashford University


Forklift Operator

Relationship status


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2010
Hey, i forgot about this place for some reason. I am gonna be out of commission for a bit I am moving on Monday. May not have net for a while. strange how time fades before us but words linger. One day i will get the courage to write more. I see you haven't logged on in seven months. I hope you are ok.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2009
wow you are hung by moon!
how did you do that? let me know
inactive user
which song on my profile ??
inactive user
hi :))
not thing~
just i like that word
inactive user
unlike in the states that it's usual to share apartments with friends or sometimes even people you werent acquainted to before right? you just have your own rooms and just share the same living room and kitchen?
inactive user
haha good luck with the language. it's easier to remember when u use it often. im in japan but mostly i speak english coz there are many foreigners around me at school.

and good luck also finding that friend. i guess it wouldnt be easy to find someone like that here. idk i think its just not that easy to trust people you meet on internet you know i guess maybe that's how majority thinks. i would suggest if you have a friend that knows you personally who's here in japan who can introduce you to some people who might be interested about that. usually, working japanese i think they live alone. even my friends in the univ who came from other prefectures, they had their own apartments.
inactive user
wow you have a very defined goal. it's still very expensive especially here in tokyo. i live in a univ dorm so i have no problems with the rent. outside, normal apartments on average is around 70 000 yen i think around USD 700 a month. i just calculated like a 100 yen per dollar it used to be 113 now it's lower for sure. sometimes some people who works in tokyo prefer to live in adjacent prefectures coz it's cheaper. but i think u can find also cheap accomodations. try sakura house, im just not so sure of the quality and the arrangements. what ive heard is that people usually pay an average of like USD 3,000 for the first payment that includes lots of fees like gift fee, a month or two advance payment, furnishing, insurance, etc. then the next month you will pay the normal fixed rent.
inactive user
im guessing you're learning japanese? coz ure planning to come someday?
inactive user
top secret! haha. you're the first one to ask. why? what about you? im ready in case you won't tell haha, i might tell u if u tell me yours first.
inactive user
haha, wow that's a good deal but mm i think better use the money for going somewhere, elecronic stuff depreciates no good to put that much money into it unless it's of a valuable use to ur work for example, and it phases out so fast, many newer ones come out like in less than a year. anyway, yeah japanese yen has been really strong despite this recession.

mm here by liter i think as i see from the gas stations. i have to check again haha, i dont have a car so im not very familiar about it.
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