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Mitch, 34 y.o.
Cape Town, South Africa [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1041.
inactive user
inactive user
Sup kaffir
inactive user
mitch.... why do you haveto talk to yourself on my wall?????
inactive user
inactive user
heyyyyyy, mitch! how are you doing? =D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
im ok. i have a headache but i shouldnt complain things could always be worse.

cool...u get to see alot of lions?
my sign is leo...i love lions...they way they loook and such

haha...yeah...i love the beach... i wish i could live there... u know on it..
one day when im rich maybe i

its real expensive to live there.

maybe will just live in a sandbox with a plastic pool next to it...haha
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
how r u this day
u live in africa, wow
thats cool
i live in califorina...its ok
the only thing i really like about it are the beaches
inactive user
Hey :D
im samantha.
whats up?
inactive user
hey mitch.. whats been happening?
inactive user
I'm Racheal.
How are you?
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