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Moona, 28 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 50.
inactive user
inactive user
;_; nyt kaikille jaetaan pesukarhu kuvia
inactive user
the raccoon dance
inactive user
MUAHAHAHAHAHAA ja näin ylläpito kohta poistaa miut :D
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2013
Ohh, I see. Hehe. ^^ I roleplay mainly on one place because I can never stay anywhere else long. I can give you the link if you want. The roleplay has been there for 2 years, which is loong for it's genre. ^-^
I should go listen to those~ I like any type of music. <3 If it's got a good sound, I like it! Hhaha.
inactive user
Oh, that's cool :) I think it's important to write with Charakters you created by yourself. But i actually never found something i wanted to write a fanfiction to, i actually never thought about it :) Maybe i'll do someday :)
inactive user
Hm, i liked "Pet Sematary" and "Christine" most, i guess. Or "It" and "She - Mysery", are also great. I never wrote fanfiction, don't like this...i can't feel with the Charakters and don't have a good Feeling when i write when i know the Story and persons aren't mine.
inactive user
Pretty Little Liars i red, too, it's so great :) Hm, I like criminal or Thriller, i love Stephen King *-* My own Storys are mostly of the same genre. I started with drawing manga when i was ten, but i'm not so good...i also LOVE drawing clothes or hairstyles, especially quite fancy ones :D
inactive user
WOW, your nail-designs are so awesome!! 0_o :D
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