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Mythical_Gem, 60 y.o.
Waterloo, Canada [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 49.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2013
HI Gem,
I was surprised to hear from you as it has been a while. I am glad all is well. I am working on recovering and staying healthy. If you still would like to keep in touch, drop me a line...
Happy Holidays< Annie
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2010
Wishing you a wonderful 2011...Hope to hear from you soon,
love Annie
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2010
Hi Gem,
I havent heard from you in a while, I hope all is well there,
love Annie
inactive user
hi freind how you doing? this is shakil and your profile is cute realy, would u like to be my freind, if you are interested plz get back to me, and you can watch my interview on the ukrain website, looking forward to hear from you, thanks,


Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2010
Hi Gem,

Thank you for the nice comments on my profile.

Talking about raising silkworm is a long story. I will write about it later.

In short, we do it the same way we raise chickens or ducks. Details will come later. :-))

Have a good week,
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2010
Hi Prui,

The silk cloths are absolutely beautiful. Are silk worm production something year roundror seasonal? I've told my husband that we have to visit you & your village when we next go East. I wanted to see the silk worm & how you make cloth so badly... not to mention all the beautiful plants. I hope if we ever make it there, you could take us walking in the woods with you... To me, that would be a real educational vacation. Looking at your profile is like watching a documentary.... I enjoy it very much!

Thanks Prui & say "Hi" to all the ladies at the village!

Best Regards..........Gem
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2010
Hi Gem,

I'm visiting to let you know that I finished updating my three albums of silk. Please have a look at them if you're interested.

Best regards,
inactive user
Yes, I´m with you. We could be the best friends for so many men- if they would like to look behind the curtains.

Greetings from Germany

Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2010
My name is zaid
i'm from pakistan.
i am a colleg student.
i like to talking oldest person specially USA OR UK.
it's my hobby.
i am a muslim guy.
and what about you?

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