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Nadia, 39 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 103.
inactive user
hi how are you? I think you don\'t like what Israel does to Palestine, we must try to stop that , I think that killing people is a great sin , God don\'t like that
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2008
Salut chère ami,

Quoi de neuf? Voilà bien longtemps que je n\'ai plus de tes nouvelles! J\'espère que ça va. Prends bien soin de toi,
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2007
I\'m sorry cause I\'m so late in this reply...
as you know.. we r muslims \'\'les Algerian\'\'....
so as this we have 2 days in year make in it a big just like Halowin day or christmiss day.... but in our fète we forgive each other and know Happy day...that\'s All... you can ask any muslim there in your city in france....
...and we now in Holidays... for 15 days...and apré cette vacance we have the Examan... so I\'m try to study more in this days...
oh!!! there is so Beautiful take care...
Joseph...and From Algeria...
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2007
Marhaban Nadita...atamanna anak bikhair...demain In chaa Allah c\'est le fete des Arabes....may b you know some About esque il fais de nouveau a votre Examain?....
inactive user
ja meine Mutter ist deutsch,
ach albern ich i glaubte, dass Sie ein Einheimischer sind... ahhh silly you are originally from south America?
inactive user
she is a German(hamburg). so am half German. i don\'t look like a persian and thats what everybody says.

ok Nadia what about you , are you originally from the U.S?
inactive user
yeah the quotes are fabulous and ridiculous. i like em.XD can i ask you why, im not 100% ,my mother is not from Iran, she is from..... could you guess where she comes from?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2007
pues a estar hora... no tanto. Aunque seguramente tendré otra muy calurosa navidad!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2007
Marhaban Nadita ....soullment comme vous!!! pas de nouveaux!!!...ok... bon chance a votre je t\'ecrit a toi la prochain fois....
inactive user
that sounds wonderful. I hope you Super Successful!! and hope you reach your goal.
anyway, i like your quotes specially whatever you said about girls! thats completely true.
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