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Nirris, 28 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 53.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2008
Hej Ty tam! I wanna be your friend too!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2008
HI ! I am chinese , I want to be your friend!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2008
hi nirris howz lyf ,i'm addie from zimbabwe sorry i don't have any language 2 teachu but i wld have been grateful if ihad,u seem 2 b a nice girl even tho u did'nt say much bwt yourself and definately it wld b my pleasure if u tell me by the way u look beautiful in those pics.bwt myself i'm a 21 year old guy not too quiete not too talkative ,i like music very much hip hop r'nb and bob marley, going out with my frendz maybe 4 a soccer game or playing pool i dont read novels and i watch any movie aslong as the person beside me is okay with it.cheers norris i'll tell u more only if u lyc
inactive user
hi miss i would like to be your penpal friend
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2008

are you learning all those language?
inactive user
Hey! sorry sorry!! I was busy u know the 2semester started last week so I had hectic days T_T hope u understand me

and now I'm at school, waiting for friends - there are 2 other subjects to take in the afternoon ~ kk

and then I'm gonna 명동 to hang out ~!! have dinner there and shopping and if time is ok then watch a movie ^_^

U might be busy cause u are senior at high school ~~ I know how busy u are ^^ don't get stress from that ~~ ok???

these days it's cool down, so my throat is sore ,too T_T
chilly at night and early morning - haha how's ur cold? did u recover ? hmm I'm nearly get a cold +_+ ;
see ya soon and I ddon't be mad! ^_^ bye!
inactive user
Zastanawiam się co zrozumieć poprzez "niewerbalny" :D:D Możemy przejść na "prajvet messydż" :D

A apartament na wsi wyglądałby dostojnie :D
inactive user
A ja chcę apartament na jakiejś zapadłej wsi :d

Ale nasz "wall" się zrobił polski... :D:D
inactive user
:D zawsze chciałem mieć rezydencję na wybrzeżu :D
inactive user
Ależ oczywiście, pardon :D
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