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Phatkwang, 29 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
inactive user
Aww really :/ you must have studied real hard right? Take care of yourself more. Fighting!
Good luck on your test ^_^
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2014
Hey. I'm fine and you? :)
inactive user
Ahh the will be amazing! Thank you :D

How are you?
inactive user
No I haven't but I want to one day. I want to graduate high school first though :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2014
Hey, nice to meet you too :)
inactive user
I can imagine it now lol :P

Were you too young for gambling?
inactive user
Ohhhh you went to good places!

I never been to Las Vegas before. I might go this summer though. How is it there?
inactive user
Oh really? What part of US did you go to?
inactive user
Noooo~~ oops haha can you please write that again??
I accidently deleted it xD sorry lol
inactive user
I just got over my headache. I get them almost everyday >_< I really don't know why.
Hope you feel better though!
And the weather here is cold. Just last week, it was hot T.T
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