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Marcin, 32 y.o.
Poznań, Poland [Current City]


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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2016
cześć! dzięki :)
inactive user
dziękuję bardzo za komentarz ! :) również pozdrawiam ;)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2015
Cześć,jestem studentem w Tajwan.Już uczę się języka polskiego jeden rok,idę do polska this summer.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2015
thanks a lot)
Never mind, most of Belarussian don't know Belarussian language unfortunately
Proszę pisać po-polsku)
inactive user
Miałam taki sam zamiar, ale zasnelam.
A co do gustu to dziekuje i wzajemnie ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2015
to jest tak)
pozdrowienia z Mińska:)
inactive user
dokładnie, nie ma to jak posłuchać starych, dobrtch piosenek... sama rozkosz :)
inactive user
Yes, but since Indonesia has so many traditional languages so I will learn the traditional languages of Indonesia. Yes we can talk about cultural of our each country. The flag is almost same. Noo, I think your grammar is good enough. :)
inactive user
Nice to meet you too.. Ok, I'm an English Language and Literature student and I plan to take Linguistics as my concentration. I was a design graphic student in my Vocational High School. Hope we can learn English together. Yes I love Hachiko. It's touchyy movie. Wow you are? I love dogs and cats. The are very cute and funny animals :)
inactive user
Hello, I'm not the native of English, but I'm English language and literature student. Maybe we can learn English together
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