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Birgitta Levina, 29 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 66.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2009
hey indonesiana :D:D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2009
hehe, OK! Sorry that I until I was online! But I think Inter Pals not more fun ..
So I'm really never on.
And now I'm bored, so I went but just look: P I'm back from vacation Friday. Monday I was left to Germany. Is there been anything done to you?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2009
We still had a long conversation about skating? We can skate almost a week! It is really fun! It's just really natural.
inactive user
Haha ngga ding, ngga sampe sedingin -2.
Ternyata cuman 16-20 derajat doang kok dan ngga ada snowsnya.
Aaaa ngebetein banget ngga sih.
White christmas kalo mau paling deket di Shanghai, tapi snowsnya kecil2 doang.

Perjalanan tuh sekitar 5 jeman lah :o
Aku kemarin berangkat jam 9, gila ngga sih itu pagi banget -.-
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2008
Merry Chrismas too =D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2008
I have morning only from 07:15 to bed: P And at 08:00 am I go to school bikes. Very xD difference, haha: D I think that even early! I understand that with no snow at all? And here you have all new technology and so on. Some things are really bad. Or so you think 'how do you get out the way to go to? " haha: D
Here it is Christmas! I do not know what time it is with you now? Here it is 16:30. I have been to church this morning, I am never going. Only sometimes with Christmas. Then I went to my grandmother was now just at home. And a minute back to Grandma to eat. And you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2008
have a nice day and keep smiling
inactive user
and a happy new year
inactive user
Haha the same for you ya gittt ;D
Aku belom di Hongkong kok, ini masih di airport hahaha.
Disana lagi winter, bisa -2 katanya sihhh weeeks buset deh ah beda banget ya sama jakarta nyeheehe
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2008
I do not have a boyfriend
So I'm home alone
Too sad T.T
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