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Carin, 35 y.o.
Pamplona, Spain [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 26.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2010
hi carin.. i like your music taste ;)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2010
nice to mee you
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2010
Hi there! Hola, que tal? I'm planning to visit Basque region as my Spanish friend lives in San Sebastian. How's your life in Basque region? Do you think people are more friendly than people in any other people in Spain?
inactive user
Of course, now I will send you my username :D
inactive user
I've chosen my studies because I love languages :P Music? Which kind of music? Do you want to learn playing instruments? Which ones do you know? :D

I send you right now my e-mail if you want to write me there, of course!! :D
inactive user
I've just finished Translation and Interpreting (French and Italian) and I'm finishing French Philology :D And you? What did you study or what do you want to do?

If you need some practise, to speak Spanish, just say it :D
inactive user
During the weeek I'm at the university and I'm working at weekends. Every day I have something to do, work or study but I love the life in this way :D

4 times at week? How many hours?? :O Can't you change into another group with another level?!
inactive user
Yeah! Of course, we can meet on the tour, hahahaha!

I know! Norway is very very expensive :( But for me Sweden too (not like Norway but...).

And what are you doing in Pamplona? Are you only working? Do you take Spanish lessons? :D
inactive user
Tu español es muy malo? I don't think so!! :P

if you're coming to Barcelona, if we're in touch, we can meet :) In December I will be able to speak with some words maybe :P hihihi!

I really want to go to Sweden! In February I was in Oslo with a friend and we wanted to go to Göteborg, but finally we hadn't time, we were only 4 days in Oslo :(
inactive user
Ohhh!! :) Muchas gracias por tu respuesta. Cuando empiece sueco, te diré si necesito ayuda :D Gracias!!!

Si hablas español, escríbeme en español si quieres y te ayudo :D

Has estado aquí en barcelona? :D
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