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Ryne, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
hiya, hows it hangin
inactive user
That's awesome. I love making music with a bunch of people too. I think I basically like teaching as well. That's great that you want to teach. I think some parts of our country need a little better education. What college do you want to go to?
inactive user
neato, good luck with that!
inactive user
yeah, it was pretty cool, but i like my other sports a bit better,
are you wanting to teach a music class in schools?
inactive user
yeah, thats good, do what i couldnt!

no, my sister was in a college that did them, and i went there for theater. For Oz, I played a Monkey.. hey, gotta start somewhere.. lol
In Chicago, i played Roxie
and In Romeo and Juliet, i played Juliet
inactive user
yeah, it could... I tired to do the singing, but i wasnt really happy with the things he made us do, so i dropped it, but i do some theater work, i just did Romeo and Juliet. My first one was the Wizard of Oz, and then i did Chicago. So it was fun!
inactive user
my goodness, thats really good!!!!! imagine how good you'll be your senior year!!!

wow, i did some track, i jsut threw the shot putt. but i play softball, basketball, some volleyball, play football with friends, and then i do karate, kickboxing, boxing, muy thai, and MMA.
inactive user
hmmm i think its been about....six or seven years also. well for the flute atleast, then i picked up the others about 2 years ago.
then i'm attempting to learn the bagpipe.... and i really underestimated the difficulty of it... lol

you do any sports?
inactive user
Well i try to avoid be busy 'cause i'm on a vacation now, so..just chilling:D
inactive user
Hi how are'ya. That's great that you're into music. I'm becoming a music director myself and I actually wanna teach in highschool too.
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