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Sue_r_j, 32 y.o.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 86.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2013
you are sooo pretty and too sexy ^^ can we talk :) ?

i have a skype : manimani19881
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2012
heya u olright:) how is life treating u on the other side of the hemi
inactive user
hey girl, still at a low point in life? whatever it is, i hope you'll pass your storm with patience, hopefully everything's gonna be okay soon!

hello from Jordan ;)
inactive user
umm hi..
inactive user
Sussie! You looser miss you :(
Okay I'll get online
inactive user
Thank you, I appreciate the response!

See I'm contemplating a job offer there, but I know NOTHING of living of your side of the world haha. The good news it seems like a very international place like NYC or London, and I've loved those places!

My job might take me into Africa, ever been to any countries there?
inactive user
Lol this is a broadddd questionnnn but


I've just recently been talking to someone about a job there, I've heard many great things!
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2012
aaa, okay :(
inactive user
Nice snaps and good profile as well
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2012
good but i am bored :D is it nice to live in Dubai biiig city :D
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