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Miri, 34 y.o.
Landau in der Pfalz, Germany [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 49.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2011
Guten tag!
Thanks for stopping by. Believe it or not, I'm self taught in music. I wrote the lyrics, the tune, recorded, and edited it. I just went with what sounded right and went from there. There's a lot more to come, hopefully by early next year, I'll have a pseudo-album out. XD

It's nice to meet you!
inactive user
guten tag wie gehts ihnen ?
inactive user
Hallo:) I like hetalia too!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28, 2010
Lolss XD Canada is the most popular one.. you also RP Hetalia on forums?

How are you right now? I'm way to bored.. (It's even so bad that I can't till tomorrow so I can go to clean cottages at Centerparks)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 20, 2010
Ich will vieleicht ja...6 Monaten bleiben
Ich hab' gehört,dass in Deutschland gibt es "Sommerschule" oder?
Also ich will in Mainz uni eine Sprachkus für 3 oder 4 Monaten machen und dann "Sommerschule" machen.
Vielleicht ich kann Carnival sehen!

Immerhin ich hab' eine Frage
gitb es in Mainz wie "Homestay"?
(ich weiß nicht wie kann man das auf Deutsch sagen)
inactive user
huhu wie gehts denn so? :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2010
Oh danke! Du bist so nett!
Seit letztem Jarh fange ich Deutsch zu studieren an
Ich will in Mainz Uni eine Sprachkurs machen:)
Oh gibt es im Februar Carnival? Wie schön!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2010
Guten Tag lol
Ich heiß so young!
Ehrlich gesagt, ich will nach Mainz fliegen(Im februar)
Also ich möchte Freunde, wer in Mainz leben, treffen(oder machen?) Freut mich!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2010
Most people here are like, You cosplay cuba? WHY!! some people like Cuba because I spread the love.. XD

My Fav Pairings are, CubaFrance, CubaSpain, CubaRomano, CubaTurkey, Oh and CubaAruba.

I hate CubaCanada.. xD To much Canada haha

I rp for like 6 almost 7 years, It started with Harry Potter =),

RP is Addicting right?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
Hetalia, is the fandome Im lost in, and I dont mind I´m lost in the world of hetalia.. My favorite character is Cuba, haha, he smokes~ he's dark and yea people mostly dont understand my love for cuba.. Ofcourse I cosplay Cuba =)

I do everything with Hetalia, (loves poster she has, coin figures and her cuban flag) XD I rpg alot in the fandome... and thinking of putting up an own hetalia rpg forum... =D

and about writing.. It's hard yea,, :O

one question, what are your favorite pairings in hetalia? and what other anime do you watch. or like..
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