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Sahana, 33 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 123.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2009
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2007
hahaha thanks, i have never been compared to him befor but thanks hahaha
inactive user
thank u, u\'re also look great ;-)
inactive user
Stuffed shower fish! It\'s hard to tell in that picture.
inactive user
Haha, glad you liked it =)
inactive user
lol koool :D
i like most anything, i would be here all day if i tried to list them all.
lol i just draw cartoons lol :D
heheh im full of questions, just no right now lol :P
rj :)
inactive user
Thats great an i hope you an your family have a great safe holiday together an good luck with all the finals im sure youll do just fine anyone can do anything in life if they put there mind to it.So how close do you live to where the fire is out there hopefully your along ways away
inactive user
Thanks for your compliments an your so very welcome
Good luck with your
artand photography
Plans for the holidays will be spent with friends an there familys an what bout you
inactive user
Yea she was very special to me i can honestly say that she taught me alot of important things bout life.Yes i do keep a journal of my poems an songs an sometimes i post differnt ones on here.Its a good way for me to get my feelings out in the open.Even though you may say your not that good at it i wouldnt encourage you to give up all you can do is try.An even if you dont have a talent for potery im sure you have many differnt talents in other areas we all have a special talent at something or another sometimes it takes others a lil longer to find there talents
inactive user
just chilling an spending time with some friends on here an thanks for your compliment on my poem she just recently passed away a few months back so one day when i was missing her alot i wrote that for her
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