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유정, 24 y.o.
Yangsan, South Korea [Current City & Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Graduate degree

Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
inactive user
------------------- 2020 --------------------
It's time to learn English.
It's time to improve my English.
Now It’s the time to do something different.
It's time to change my life.
It's time to do something that will make my life better.
It's time to change your life.
Hi, how are you doing? Is everything okay?

If you visit my profile you will understand why I could help you in English & Persian.

I'm the founder of Easy Learning English(ELE)
and also Easy Learning Persian(ELP).

Just let me know if you are seriously interested in learning and
improving your English or Persian based on talking and conversation.

This is my site with plenty of free courses and articles.

If I know, you really eager to learn and want a good practice,
You can join for English & Farsi classes in my WhatsApp Groups that are free of charge.

We have a lovely room with English learners who can also talk to each other warmly.

And if you have some ability in teaching with creative ways in every language you can it’s a good chance for you to join our team ELE Society and all your teaching materials and methods will be published in your own name as the author at ELE society and improve your resume and CV, your article should contain at least 250 – 300 words.

(+98 911 132 1886) --> My WhatsApp Number

Hope that you are enjoying your time here on InterPals and are making lots of new friends.

Best Wishes
Founder of MyELE
ShaPour KhodaParast
inactive user
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and view my profile.
Hope that you are enjoying your time here on InterPals and are making lots of new friends.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2020
Yes!!! T-A-I-W-A-N Taiwan number1.
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