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Saadah, 31 y.o.
Klang, Malaysia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2018
HBD. sorry to late.
i hope you happy and fun on everyday.
inactive user
I didn't forget........ ToT
You'd wanna try to send a postcard for me? Sure we can exchange address! :D
inactive user
Sure sure! I need to work hard to accomplish it this year :D
Ah well, I should try to send you another postcard soon. It also happened to the one I sent to my Thai IP friend and I still don't get why it didn't arrive on SEA region, while it is completely fine when I send some to Europe -,-
inactive user
I've been doing good! I haven't continue my study yet, now am more focused on earning money :v But hopefully I can in some couple years! At the moment, I am planning to travel to SEA so perhaps I can meet you and my Thai friend in person, insya Allah :)

Let me guess: my postcard hasn't arrived at your place at all? :'D
inactive user
Eid Mubarak, sister!!! How have you been doing? :)
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2017
added friend with you. Did you see?
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2017
i did
inactive user
Yeah, nothing much happened actuall. The wait for first call employment seems never ending... How about you? Have you officially graduated yet?
inactive user
Saya tak fasih cakap bahasa melayu xD Ya, saya sihat, bagaimana dengan awak? Saya tak sempat ucap apapun saat matikan akun pekan lalu hehe :D
inactive user
Selamat ulang tahun! Maaf telat kirimkan ucapan hehe :D
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