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Airi, 34 y.o.
Kumamoto, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2013
Hi :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2013
ah yes but if you going in the site popular you can see japanese tourist ( for exemple versaillle, le louvre) but yes i don't have any opportunity for speack japonese <3 i start to learn the base of grammar in japanese and make me smile because your grammar is different but goood because for thing it's easy for me because you don't have plurial, male or female hehe i'm sooo happy <3 !! but now i'm learn vocabulary i must find a little dictonnary <3 !!!! because if i don't have vocabulary i can't talk more japanese ahah !!!
but yes there are a little community in japan :3 i want to go there then i save some money for go there :3 !!! one friend of my sister (have a sister who live in japan and she talke to me more about it :3 she's teacher of french there :3)
i will go in august to ''versaille'' i really love there <3 chambord and chennonceau are really good too :3 !!! that good choice :3 !!!

ahah that cool :3 there will go in france but i can't go there TOT !!! i'm soooo sad because i waitting him during 5 years ahhhhhhhhhhhhh sooo sad but my friend go there TOT ahah i envy herrrrrrrr :CCCC !!!!
ah i can recommended you : christophe mae,( it's new song but i love too emmanuel moire( but i love too comedy musical french ( like 1789- les aments de la bastilles)

my hobbies is drawing, liscen music, painting, chatting, reading manga & novel & magazine & book about art, swimming, writting snail mail (letters <3) and now i have sooome times for this one :3 i'm soo happy to be in holidays (summer vacation <3)

ahhh yes it's for that i love tokyo there are soooome differents style of clothe i really love fashion from japan *O* i envy youuuuu !!! maybe you live near of tokyo ? ahah i'm like you i love in orléans but it's reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly long time that i didn't go to paris ahah !!! ahah me i did shopping with my sister and i'm r
inactive user
よかったら、フランス語とお手伝いします。 :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2013
hello, konnichiwa :3
nice to meet you too Airi :3 ahah that good :3 me too i continue to learn english to my school but i don't have good level in grammar then i study it very very very XD !!! ahah yes i can understand you !! because when you don't practise you can't have good !! like me in japonese before i was speack japonese but i loose all because i don't practise TOT then i study this one alone :3 !!!! thank you for love my country :3 maybe do you travel in france ? did you visite 'Versaille' ??? it's my favorite castle from france sooooo beautiful <3 !!!

ummm i love some type of music i like rock and pop :3 !! i love japonese music like the gazette and kat-tun is my favorite but i love k-pop, american and French <3 and you ? do you hear french song ?
thank you :3 !!!! it's really long time that i didn't change it but thank you :3 !!!

how avout you hobbies ?

there are no problem be friends :3 because i love your country for too taditional thing my favorite city there is Kyoto <3 i love !!!! but i like too fashion from there hehe :3 !!! i think i'm addict of many thing in japan xD !!!!

have nice day
inactive user
Heey I am back. finally >< but I still have some work left...
I think maybe we should continue the chat on skype. I may not be online very frequently here, so maybe if you want, you can leave me your ID on my message box and we will talk more there? ^^

I promise I will add you as soon as I can. ><

論文はウザい! ㅜㅜ
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2013
Thx Airi (^__^)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2013

nice to meet you ;:3

my name is Mélissa, i have 22 years old i was born 16.07.1990 !! i'm french but half italian ! i study graphic designer for to be graphic designer or illustrator :3
i like japan and korean lenguage !! i learned japonese little but like i don't practice it it's soo bad ahah !!i was too learn korean but my pronuciatiobn was sooo bad TOT !! i really love art, write snail mail, liscen music ( i love french, japonese etc....), go out and some other thing :3

how about you ?

Nice day
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2013
I'm Sebastian haha ^^
If don't u mind can u tell your FB to me ^___^Airi
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2013
I'm sorry chat too late. I like Kuroshitsuji (Black butler) so much.
today i study Japanese n landscape of Japan.It so much fun.^^
inactive user
Oooh.. ありがとう ><
I don't very much about your hometown.. just the geographical position in the Ryukyu islands.. I don't know anything else, really! ^^
I live in Oradea. It's in the north-west of Romania, very close to Hungary (around 10km). It's a city with around 200.000 people and it's quite okay here.
What would you like to learn about my country? I will gladly teach you! ^_^
Ooh ciorbe! What kind of ciorbe did you discover? There are many types of ciorbe, like ciorbă de perișoare (with meatballs), ”ciorbă de burtă (with stomach hahaha). They are the most popular types here, and many more..
おいでね~! I'm waiting for you to visit one day ^^

Have you been practicing english by the way? I hope I can teach you soon after I finish my 論文 >< I still have a lot to write. And soo sorry I didn't write you for days.. I promise we will talk more soon! ><
By the way.. do you have Skype? Maybe we can also practice english there ^^
頑張って学生! see you soon!
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