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Anna, 27 y.o.
Dijon, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2012
Hi,Anna !
I'm happy to meet u!
You know korea And like K-pop?
It's good ^^

Ummmm... I'm okey !
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2012
hi, anna!!
i`m good!!! i want to friends with you haha!!
what is your favorite singer? :)
inactive user
aah,that's a shame!!
oh,well,we both are in kind of difficult situation....
but I'm sure we can be good at these languages if we try hard:P
inactive user
ooh,thank you very're so kind!!
I'm just learning it on my own.unfortunately,I've not got a chance to learn it at school or somewhere.:/
inactive user
aah,it's okay.well,I think I have to apologise to you as well for I said some harsh things to you....I want you to understand that I never meant to hurt you or anything like,I'm really sorry.
well,but I still hope that we could talk more.if you don't mind the fact that I'm not from Korea.
inactive user
well,first of all,I'm not from Korea.I'm from Japan.
and in fact,I really really ''HATE'' Korea.(though I like France)
and I don't understand Korean at all.I really felt terrible to see that you seem to take me for a Korean and those letters in Korean language.
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2012
i only know a few french...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2012
nahhh...interpals is okay~^^
inactive user
heyyy Anna its a pleasure to meet you! :-)
Wow you love kore.. Its lobpvely :p
Of course i would like to be a correpondent wit you@_@
Wow look at ur korean.. Its good! Xx and thanks for the message :-)
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2012
Oh hi! Sure~^^
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