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Ai, 30 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2015
your welcome :)
I'm not doing good, sorry for the late post
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2014
Oh wow, and art festival! That sounds really fun!
I'm on vacation now too. My birthday recently passed on December 22nd.
Oh, and it's Christmas today, so Merry Christmas! :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2014
That's okay!
i was exam period, too until December twentieth.
after test, i should do homework and prepare art festival in cathedral on my hometown. also i do study group after festival.
and now i'm in vacation! I'm very happy because i didn't go college at morning haha how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2014
i went to HighSchool in Ansan.
And my friend went to different colleges too T-T
But sometimes, i meet them because Seoul is small!
When is your final Test in college?
Next day is my final Test's start day T_T
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2014
Wow!very good
When I'm highschool student ,I lived in dormitory.
There is very happy place. Because I meet my friend during all days!!! Nowdays..I miss then,I want to go back because it is Very happy memories!
But now i was graduated, so it is not easy to meet friend because they live not closely .
So I envy to live dormitory.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2014
Thank you!

the area surrounding the my campus doesn't have a lot of people too! Although my campus is in seoul, there are not developed.

i lived in my home. I go to college by bus and subway.
It takes about one hour. so i'm not lived in college. but
some times, I sleep in the circle room in college. because of ready for contest like competition. lived in a dormitory.. i envy you! i want to live in a dormitory. Are you funny in dormitory life? In a dormitory what do you usually do?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2014
Oh! you already learn
I'm studying calculus and i should do calculus homework now.Physics was hard for me too..

My campus is in a crowded place. there are many people in my college than campus's land size.Our college is in under Han-river that is in Seoul.

Are you live in dormitory? Are you entrances college with your high school friends?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2014
You can do well because you try a lot!
my major is related in circuit and electric!
and i'm interested in logic circuit.
because i'm freshman in college, i only learn one major lecture. i should listen major's common Fundamental lecture like calculus, linear algebra and mathematics engineering and physic. it is all math without physic haha.
i can more learn my major next year.

how about your campus life?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2014
Hello, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2014
You look very young...i couldn't image your age haha
wow..medical school... you are very smart!
In korea, many people who want to entrance medical school are go to biology school too! maybe..many content is a lot of overlap. and medical school students are very smart hehe
I'll pray that you can go to great medical school through the pre-health track at school.
My major is Electronic Electric Engineering!
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