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Billal, 33 y.o.
Fresnes, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2012
tu commence a changer de statu frére!!
inactive user
h b d to you^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2011
Well, I dunno about the people in Algerie and the rest of the muslim world, but up here people have started to give a whole bunch of f*ck about the whole issue.

Palestine vs. Israel. Muslims vs. christians. Etc..
That area has been fkn nuts for almost 2000 yrs, and after several attempts by the world society; it's obviously not possible to just calm the f*ck down.

Cheers mayte! ;-)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2011
Well hello, nice to meet you. i am fine thank you. What about you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
hello, my name Latbi BILAL, I'm 19 living in the Kabylie region where peace and freedom prosperity reigns. on called the land of the free men.i am student in French Algiers.i 'like talking to people from elsewhere and discuss with them my culture and my history and not forgetting my Tamazight language. I love the blues and jazz metal music, I love nature likeevery humain being.enfin be all I would just tell you I love life.
Lire phonétiquement
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
hey.i am latbi billal 19 years old .living in algeria in kabyle. a beautiful place where berbers prosper and enjoy life .i like music especialy metal. i want to know from others and share my kabyle culture and my language which is a wonderfull one .imazighen :seems free man
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