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Chloe` Davenport, 32 y.o.
Winchester, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2013
Ello :D
inactive user
You like politics...and youre a conservative?? WRITE ME!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2010
Oh you know, quaint and peaceful :) Just the way I like it :) How is life in Tennesse? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2010
Haha, omg!! Did you see her AMA's performance?! It was utterly fantastic!! :D Im great *shake* ;) Haha, I also love paparazzi :) hehe :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2010
Hey stranger :-) If you'd like to catch me on anything, I recommend any of the 3 messengers I use. Ha ha, cool I generally get the Shirt catching people's interest and sci-fi enthusiast asking me what planet I came from hence the HomesickAlie​n name! (bet you can't guess what references my name) Arcade Fire is radical ;p, I'm using 80s terms now, I just downloaded "haiti"​, with the female vocals, sounds great. I do enjoy lots of cultures, do you as well? It's so much more interesting to be influenced by different perspectives​ than being completely oblivious to any of them but your own or your family. I think we would get along great, music taste: check mate, eclecticism,​ ha ha, yes. Now if you like my movie list, then we're a match. I do like country :P my interests don't just end in culture and general knowledge but music and movies! I do like the foreign stuff too. Adieu, Chloe. Happy new years eve! And I'll see you next year ;) you and you.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2009
Haha, yes I'm quite fond of the Science fiction movies, and the trailer to that movie did give me a chuckle or two :-) I see you like my SN, it's pretty cool right? I'm surprised it wasn't taken. Which messengers were you waiting for me on? The Yahoo one I posted or did you mean the Interpals crappy live messengers? Tennessee! All my exes live in Texas, that's why I hang my hat in Tennesseeeeeeee. Sorry, couldn't resist. Nice to meet you Chloe, what sparked the interest?! I'm Eric! It's OK that you like to add the "u" but that made me believe you were in Europe for a second! It's correct here without the "u" despite our laziness, silly. :P Til next time, Chloe.
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