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Dearnawan, 26 y.o.
Malang, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
Telat ya balesnya hahaha :))
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2012
inactive user
Wkwkwk, lagi nonton tv aja haha kamu?
inactive user
Many Japanese decorate the front door of shops, company buildings and houses with a pair of "Kadomatsu" during the New Year holidays. "Kado" means a gate and "Matsu" means a pine tree. "Kadomatsu" is a decoration consisting of bamboo and pine branches and symbolizes longevity and prosperity. It is said that this is the appropriate way to welcome gods.
inactive user
see in the New Year soon!!
Japanese people exchange New Year's cards called nengajo on New Year's Days. People send New Year's postcards to their friends, relatives and colleagues to express their New Year's resolutions as well as to give updates on their lives. Usually special New Year's lottery postal cards are issued for this purpose!!
inactive user
What kind of thing do you want to know?
inactive user
I 'm very good too !!!!!
inactive user
Hahaha boleh :) iya
inactive user
Hello!! :) How are you??
inactive user
Good :) you? Nice to meet you too haha
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