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Vikkie, 43 y.o.
Løten, Norway [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 80.
inactive user
Hi! How are you! Haven't been on here in a very long time. I hope everything is well where you are. Summer is over (boo) and fall is ahead. Just wanted to say hello.

inactive user
Hello I speak with my biggest about respect .j' visited your profile and vraiement his(her,its) me interhook .j' would like to correspond with you .merci of your understanding
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2011
inactive user
Hi Flutterby42! I saw your profile and seems like we have alot in common! I love fairies, gardening, herb magic (although i'm just a beginner and a dabbler and nothing more) ! I have a fairy/butterfly garden and I truly love plants! Norway is one of the countries Iwould love to visit so bad! My hubby has a viking tattoo and all my tattoos are celtic. I'm sure we could both learn from each other!
I hope to hear from you!
inactive user
there are many similarities so as a swede i don't really feel like i'm abroad, although there are differences as well. for one thing i notice a hiearchy at work between nurses and auxiliary nurses that we don't have in sweden. swedish aux. nurses also has a lot more responabilities. i love the nature here & i'm looking forward to going hiking in the future!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2010
I mailed you a giant envelope full of letters. Lol I don't know how many are in there but it was a lot! Hope all is well big hugs!
inactive user
hey hun I got your letter.. yay love hearing from you.. sorry you have been a little down... will write back asap :)

its my birthday tomorrow yay heaps excited...
love and hugs
inactive user
hey hun, hows your week been? just wondering if you got my letter alright?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2010
Yeah I got fed up with it really. I have such little free time and it felt like I was being sucked dry with it. Lol Does that even make since? I posted a few letters to you three actually, lol :)
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