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Matt, 32 y.o.
Halifax, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2013
Happy Birthday Matt :)
inactive user
Happy birthday Matt! What all do you have planned? Hope you have a fabulous day! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2013
Have a nice party tonight, Matt!
Happy Birthday one more time and hope you have a blast!
I'm looking forward to your detailed story :D
Have fun!
inactive user
Hey Matt! How've you been lately? Uni going good? :D wow I'm really bad at replying sometimes lol most of the time I'm doing homework when on Interpals so I get distracted and forget who I replied to, but I remember you asking me if I knew Ian MacArthur, right? Well yes sir, we actually went to the same school Forest Heights in Chester! xD he was a year ahead of me though, and I knew OF him, shared a few classes with him, but yeah he seemed like a really friendly, smart guy! It's weirdly awesome how we both know the same someone in real life and you're friends with him, small world we live in, eh? ;D but anyways, hope you're doing good and enjoying this nice fall weather!
inactive user
Ah no problem Matt! Sometimes I take a while to reply too, especially with university starting up and everything :) and wow sounds like a lot of work already! and labs the first week? oh goodness, fun, fun :/ lol I had to do a math lab last year in uni and frankly that was torture enough >.< lol and my summer was good too, thanks! a little boring unfortunately.. definitely not as exciting as yours :P lol but it's nice being back in university and living on my own (well, on campus lol) once again! :D So I kinda forget if I already asked, but are you originally from Halifax? Or do you live more on the outskirts? :)

Btw if you would like, feel free to add me to Facebook :) the link to my homepage is:

Hope you're having an awesome, sunny Friday! :D
inactive user
Hey Matt how are you doing? Excited to go back to SMU? :) So when does your first day of classes start? Hope you've been doing awesome this summer with travelling and all! :D
inactive user
Hey Matt! I've been doing pretty good these days, thank you :) My birthday is actually in 3 days and I'll finally be 19, so I'm pretty excited for becoming of legal age and all :D lol and I'm even more excited to go back to Acadia, see my new dorm room and friends, and everything! So how've you been doing? Enjoying your summer? Are you looking forward to going back to SMU? Hope you've been doing amazing! :)
inactive user
too much ^^
but my favourite topics are: German Empire (middle ages) and the germanics
inactive user
Ah that's good your friend talked you into taking a geology class with him or else you might've been stuck forever sleeping in biology classes, eh? :P lol but that's awesome you have a passion for geology, wish you luck with that :) and yes sir, you assumed correctly, I'm studying in Acadia and I really like psych so far, although I enjoy philosophy too so I might minor in it or something :) and that's cool some of your friends are going to Acadia! I have a few friends that are returning or going to SMU as well :) actually Acadia is pretty close to where I live, only about 40 minutes away from home so I get to see my family often, and therefore I decided to go there. Did you always wanted to go to SMU? :) and unfortunately the music industry is pretty much based on popularity nowadays, you know? :/ and I love the bands in your list like Bon Jovi and U2 for example, and I looked up and listened to a few songs by Kaizers Orchestra, they're Norwegian, right? they're pretty awesome :D and I feel sorry that you had to endure all that talk about how good of a singer kesha is, that's just not right :'( lol but yeah I know what you mean, I barely listen to any of the newer talentless pop junk and personally I enjoy a lot of music from the 60-80s :)

Aha long messages are awesome :D and thank you for writing back Matt, hope you're enjoying the week! :)
inactive user
hey there, I'm Lindsay :) just stumbled upon your profile and decided to leave you a little message as you seem like a very interesting person, not to mention you're a fellow Nova Scotian :D that's awesome you're studying geology in SMU, always thought geology was pretty cool :) so once you become a geologist, anything specific you want to study? have you always wanted to study geology? :) and I like your taste in music as well and I agree with you that talent isn't really needed in the music business anymore, which is a shame, as some people like Justin Bieber and Kesha (as you mentioned) are living proof of that, and it's even sadder when real talented musicians go unappreciated :/

Well this was intended to be a little message, but I suppose it exceeded that lol well anyway, I usually hate leaving the first message as sometimes people never reply back which disappoints me, but I hope to hear from you anyways, take care :)
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