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Arthur Ross, 64 y.o.


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Bachelor's degree



Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 77.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2020
I like the trilogy the Lord of the Rings.

I will look into Bleak House. I enjoyed Great Expectations
inactive user
Hmm, thanks for the message on my wall, it is funny because when I was a lot younger I would always object when people called me "young lady", after my objection they corrected it to "young girl", when I objected to that too they would ask "what Are you then?" and I would look at them straight and say : "A woman!" Have a nice day
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2019
That is nice that you live in Florida I have been to Florida. I stand it here because I was born here I am Canadian.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2019
hi from Carol
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2017
When my grandparents were alive my father would go down to help his father with his grove. I would drive down with my kids so we could all hang together. The drive down with Celtic music blaring in our van and taking the long way thru he Smokey Mountains was wonderful.
I've never been to Paris but Italy has ruins and museums that take your breath away.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2017
I went on a dig a couple months back, when it was summer here in Australia. It was out in a field where an early irish settlement had once been. It was pretty awesome.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2017
Ice Plant - what an odd concept! But interesting food, half of it is healthy, the other half of the menu is junk food on steroids....;-) There are a couple of places like that here in Fernandina.

Do you get into town much? Pretty crowded on the weekends.
inactive user
Ice Plant, Mango Mangos. PHO rules there are 4 in town. Osteens
inactive user
Hi thanks for the welcome ! We are having some delicious weather always loving the views and thank God every day a few times a day for the gorgeous life he allows me to witness. The luckiest girl for sure.
inactive user
you are welcome :-) and wish you a lot of fun in Amsterdam!
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