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Haroune1, 36 y.o.
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 129.
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Its ok to disagree :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2013
WalaikumAsalam Brother. You are welcome anytime ^_^ sure thing Brother, i will be here, Please do ask question Anytime and In sha Allah i will reply back ASAP to you :). Massalam brother.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2013
Hey greetings from the United Kingdom! Nice to meet you
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2013
Lets say the Full form brother, "Asalamualaikum" next time :). WalaikumAsalam brother, Alhamdulillah m fine and you?! hmm Divorce, something that Allah (swt) dislikes SO MUCH! its something everyone Dislikes it, many Children haven't had the family love that others had and they turned into bad people, gang members, emos etc. This is one the biggest reason that divorce is bad. it breaks ties with your children as well and other relatives . Islam disapproves of divorce immensely, and in this connection it has cautioned its followers to be very careful, and has pointed out the steps that the spouses have to take for reconciliation in the event of disagreement between them. It has also laid down the correct procedure of giving divorce if it becomes inevitable to do so. In this connection the basic point to note is that Islam has permitted only the divorce to be given on one occasion, but a very large number of Muslims is unaware of these teachings of lslam and because of the moral and social corruption a number of people put divorce to wrong and improper use by giving three divorces at one and the same time, and feel sorry, afterwards. In view of this situation, an urgent necessity is felt to educate the people about the Islamic teachings concerning divorce and to show to them its correct procedure. This pamphlet has been written mainly with this purpose in view, but it can be useful from this angle too that those critics, who deride the Islamic shariah laws after seeing wrong procedures of divorce generally followed by the Muslims, would be able to see what was the procedure really laid down by Islam and what procedure is actually being followed by many of its followers.

“A divorce is only permissible twice: after that, the parties should either hold together on equitable terms, or separate with kindness.” — Holy Quran 2:229

And Allah knows best.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2013
Alhamdulillah good to hear that. Sure thing brother, please go ahead and ask any question about Islam. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2013
WalaikumAsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu brother, Alhamdulillah m fine and you?! hope you and your family are doing well as well dear brother :). hehe JazakAllah Khair brother. Aameen brother, Aameen. Nice to meet you Brother Harun, my name is Abdul Bari, from Khorasan (Afghanistan) :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2013
Hello from Spain! I wish you a wonderful week! Kisses, María
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inactive user are you?
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ok I will:)
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