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Geneva, 28 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2012
Haaaaaiyaaa! >.<
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2012
me tooㅠ_ㅠ
inactive user
Hello Geneva :D I'm pretty fine, what about you ? :D
inactive user
You have a pretty name +___+ ! Nice to meet you again xD
inactive user
I didn't tell you ? !(◎_◎;) geez I'm so stupid! I'm Sophie hehe and you ?
inactive user
You can dance, it's amazing ! I envy you *-* !
I'm studying physics ~ ! it's so boring :B i wanna have fun with friends as well u___u
inactive user
It doesn't matter :3 what kind of dance ?
I'm Studying again xD
inactive user
I mean you're a BlackJack (2NE1's fanclub name :p)
I don't think so. Anyway what did you plan to do today ? :)
inactive user
I was pretty sure that you were a BlackJack :P I don't like their music. How can I explain ? So I'm chinese, indeed my parents are Chinese but I was born and raised in France.. Did you understand ?
My english skills are bad, sorry :(
inactive user
Of course ! :D I love K-POP so much x.x ! My favorite bands ? I don't have any. I love many bands xD but I can tell you which one I don't like : 2NE1 and MBLAQ ~ I can't support Joon face xD ! What about you ?
Okay no problem, but your english is sure better than mine ~! (;
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