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Ika^___^, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 412.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2010
Salam ika~
sorry for my late reply. by the way, i've been away from Interpals for a long time too. i just got back recently n found a lot of new friends which keeps me busy. now, my class is over for this semester n i just have to wait for my final exam (i only have to take 1 exam ;p)
wow, u really had a lot to do before. i hope this year, it will become much more easier for u after u have adapted to university's life =) hmm.. Padjadjaran? i think i have 1 friend studying medicine there..
yeah, i think our studies are almost similar.. many lab reports, assignments, lab works n sometimes too much Chemistry that we have to learn. but, it's great that u are enjoying your studies =)
well, i should start doing my research this semester but the equipment is broken n i need to wait (don't know for how long) until it is being fixed. so, until then, i am so free. but, i still hope i can start the research soon because i don't want to be stress during next semester.
what do u do this weekend? are u buried between books or are u enjoying life as much as i do? ;p
inactive user
Oh, right? Don't forget your password and then we can keep talking in the net. haha
Is any difficulty to practice your working? :-) I heard about practice like you because one of my friend took medical practices. That was more hard than my school stuff.
I'm worried about your condition. I hope you maintain your good health.
Cheer up you and me! :)
inactive user
oh, begitu, hatur nuhun! ya, aku mau belajar b.sunda! tentu saja aku bisa membantumu dengan b.inggris... :)
inactive user
nami abdi scott...

dalam b.sunda aku tahu 1-10, um..... hatur nuhun, wilujeng enjing/siang/sumping/wengi, di/ti/ka, jelema, oge, iraha-iraha, manawa....

bahwa semua b. sunda yang aku tahu.... tapi aku mau belajar!

bu guruku jelema sunda, ti bandung.... :)
inactive user
cccee yyaa!
inactive user

i'll see you soon.... ^^
inactive user
huuuuurrrraaaayyy! i love english. but ITB so far from me. and i dont have much money to go there.. :(
inactive user
hik hik hikkkkk......

adda matematika and itung itungannya gag mbag testnya??

:( aku gag bissa eksak. aku bisanya sennniiiii
inactive user
iyaaa..ujiannya maret mbag.

aku sekolah smk.

waduuhhh..unpad?? jauh naget.. ehehhe

di unpad ada jurusan design nyaa???
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2010
Oaaahm......I think I should sleep now...
bye everyone....

sare heula aaaah....
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