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Irem93, 31 y.o.
İzmir, Turkey [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 298.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2011
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inactive user
Yes our east coast is delightful and it's always an experience to have a dip in the sea there because the water is always freezing!! There's lots of things to see and do as well cause of all the history, from Vikings to Dracula to Captain James Cook and all the usual sea side things like gorgeous sea food, boat trips, rock pools and sea life centres/aquariams :))
Awww not fair, it would be great to live by the sea. I'd love it :)
inactive user
I could do with having a holiday! I have a week in August booked off work but I don't know what I'll be doing yet...
Oh the summers are fine, lots of daylight hours, warm but usually not too hot. In the south it's drier and warmer than where I live. I like to go to the east coast here, there are some really charming sea side towns and beautiful scenery :)
inactive user
but you always do better than what you think!! Even when you choose to miss the bus so you can't attend class :p
When do you get the results? Good luck!! :D
inactive user
Do you have any particular Uni in mind? Might you be moving away?
inactive user
So how will you occupy your time now that class is over? Salsa dancing??? :p
inactive user
Hmmm not sure if it's interesting but I had a go at making coffee cake. It was really nice to have with a cup of tea :p
Oh the end of your weekend class....will you be sad for it to be over?
inactive user
Sleep well and have fun at class. The next time we chat I'll tell you about my latest effort in the kitchen :p
inactive user
Ah I know exactly what you mean. When I used to do my weight lifting alot I found it too hard to train during the summer months. I more than made up for it throughout the other seasons though.
inactive user
:D Yeah when it's hot and sunny it's horrible. I find the heat to be more uncomfortable than what you find wearing high heels and it takes away my energy and ruins my appetite.
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