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Irmak, 33 y.o.
İzmir, Turkey [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 61.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2008
uuups... sorry... well I guess it's always nice to be told "happy birthday", so Ihope you don't mind ;D but I really thought you were 16 too.... hmm...
you don't celebrate christmas? why not? I thought everybody celebrates it nowadays, no matter wich country or religion. do you have a similar event or nothing like that?? It didn't occur to me that I knew that little about other countries customs... tell me everything about that!!!
haha!! what are the odds! but the nightmare before christmas is really amusing! I like it xD
well in Austria Halloween is not like in the USA, but some children go around saying "trick or treat" and some people make halloween partys... not that special, but luckily we never have school on october 31st. =))
bye ;D
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2008
well, it really depends on your point of few if that was a good experience. but I can definitely say that, for me, it wasn't good at all =((( *puke* xD
yeah croatia was quite nice, but as it was a family holday, it was not that special.
I envy you so much that you live near the sea. I think I already said that earlier in summer, but I have to mention it again ;D I'm so envious... !!!
I love snow too! but only the first snow and if there's really a lot!. I hate the ugly brown, old snow in february...
but besides I love it! it snows every year in austria, but it depends on your region whether it snows a lot or just a bit... in the mountains people sometimes can't go out because there's so much snow! but in my town, there's just a bit =(
but there just to be much more snow, nowadays (because of the greenhouse effect or so...) there is less =(((
does it ever snow in turkey? or never?
I can't imagine that... christmas without snow....
by the way, when did you turn 17? you weren't a few days ago! so happy birthday!! ;D;D;D;D xD
how was your halloween? ^^
see ya homie ;D (yeah, gangster xD )
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2008
yeah, as I sad I'm really sorry. but now I'm here again =))
my summer was great, I went to malta and croatia and I had great time! as I went to malta on my own I met a lot of nice people ( and a very handsome guy =)))) ) but I also saw a lot of freaks, for instance I saw an exhibitionist who was wanking. not nice, believe me ;D
no school's started again and I've got so many things to do, and I even started playing the guitar... it's extremely exhausting.... ;D but I quite like it anyway =))
what about you? how was your summer? where did you go?? how are? did you take that picture in your holiday? I like it because it looks like summer and I miss the summer. now it's already extremely cold in austria, you even have to wear gloves and so on... =((( *brrrr*
how is it over there in turkey? is it still a bit warm or is it freezing cold too? actually I have no idea about the turkish clime.... ???
cu bille xD
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2008
hey ;D

do you remember me? I'm so sorry that I didn't reply to your last mail (or did I?I'm not entirely sure about that... anyway;). Owas just a bit fed up with this site so I didn't want to visit here any more. well, apparently I've changed my mind! here I am ;D

well if you want to continue writing, just do it ;D I'd love it!as long as you're still here... =) yeah... well byebye bille xD
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2008
yok yanlış anladın sanırım döneklik olarak falan düşünmedim kusura bakma.tabiki istediğini dinleyebilirsin:)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2008
slm.profilini beğendim ama şunu anlayamadım,hem gothic dinleyip hem rap dinliyorsun :S
inactive user
haha, thats good :D

me.. im doing nothinggg, i got my bottom braces yesterday so my teeeeth reeeeally hurt !
how about youu?
inactive user
Hi ^^
inactive user
hahahahaha Hey! sSOOO sorry for the late reponse!
i've been so LAZY to go on interpals. :P

how've you beeen??

inactive user
heey sorry for the late response! i've been SOO busy! :[
ohh what kind of concert? :D
haha well.. ive been babysitting A LOT lately, but i've been making A LOT of money!! :] $200 in 3 days!
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