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Jason, 34 y.o.
San Antonio, United States [Current City]

Looking for



Joined 4 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1576.
inactive user
hey ya whats up? hows things over there?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2011
hey jason!
im form india...looking for a penpal! i guess u could reply back!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2011
hey again!
inactive user
Wow you major in French! I wish I could speak French. I tried to learn it by myself but it's just too difficult to do it. Do you mind talking to me if I can't speak Frnech?:O
inactive user
Aw, jeez.

Austin and I have been having a beautiful love affair. I've had so many Slacker moments -- it's great, really.
inactive user
a good friend of mine said, "please come!"
I was in between places, so I hopped on a train with two bags and my violin.

I was here briefly before adventuring to Hawaii for 6 months and coming back. I've been here almost a year.
inactive user
x 129372863756765645
inactive user
I work full time for Apple now, but we should meet up at some point regardless and maybe we'll become BFFs or something.
inactive user
hey jason,

now that i live, like, inexcusably close to you, we should meet for food or drinks!
inactive user
It' been a while! haha I've been good jason, what about you? :)
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