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Aditya, 35 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 77.
inactive user
Birşey değil :D
inactive user
your Turkish language is great! I need the translator for your message lol
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2015
Thanks :)
inactive user
Happy birthday :) Doğum günün kutlu olsun. Nice mutlu yıllara :)
inactive user
Cok teşekkür ederim:) but today is not birthday It is just a random date I chose for Interpals.
inactive user
Yeha hopefully.. hey take alook at this video:
It looks easy, i mit try it out and see if i can take it out. :D Pearl Jam has been one of my top favor bands and his is my favor song from them. :3
inactive user
Hey let me told you, yesterday i had a meeting with my friend and I convince her to re-star our old band and do music on weekeds.. :D Hopefuly everything go in they're own places. I'm Exacting!
inactive user
yeah thats true. Nirvana is every where. Hell yeah The Vines, i grown up lisening to the vines back in my teens years ^^ they're an Australin band.
inactive user
Kagak pernah tuh -_-
Anak baru nih masih perlu banyak belajar cara yg bnr bergaul sm bule, ngomong Bahasa Inggris itu belibet. :D
inactive user
Hihihi iya emang bener banget. Makanya aku setuju sama yang Kak Cobain bilang :D
Mohon bimbingannya Kak anak baru nih :D
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