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Kelsey , 34 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2012
Hey how r you
inactive user
Hey!!! What\'s up??? How are you???

Haven\'t heard from you in a while... So what\'s going on over there???

Hope you\'re having fun!!!

Ttyl I guess ; )
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2007
My name is seon myeoung ^^ You call me SUN !!
I\'m 18 years old Korean boy
I enjoy listening to music, playing, seeing sport game,
seeing War Movie, making friends .
I like to find Military information very well :)
I wanna your pen-pal.
Would you like to do penpal with me?
I\'ll be very happy if you can answer me.
Have a nice day!^_^

inactive user
Hey!!! I\'m back!!! It was really cool over there in Mexico!!! So what did you do while I was gone???

Well tomorrow some friends from Spain are coming over for 10 days!!! YEAH!!!

So how are you???

Talk to you later^^
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2007
inactive user
Glad to hear it was great!!! Well keep on having fun!!! I\'ll go to Mexico in just a couple of hours!!! YEAH!!! Talk to you when I\'m back^^
inactive user
Okay, blonde moment there^^ The show\'s called endurance of course - yeah I was being real stupid, haha^^ How could I even ask?! Don\'t know... Anyway... That\'s pretty cool!!!
inactive user
A TV show??? Wow, that\'s pretty cool!!! What\'s it called??? Well, I\'ll go to Mexico (this Friday) and then two friends from Spain are coming over, so that should be fun!!! You enjoy your summer break and have fun traveling!!!

Talk to you later^^
inactive user
I\'m fine, too, thanks!!! So you got any plans for summer break??? Are you gonna go somewhere or have you been somewhere???

Well anyway...

Keep on having fun!!!

Talk to you later^^
inactive user
hi!!! how are you??? you seem like a nice person!!! hope you\'re having a great time over there in texas!!! Well, have fun!!! It\'s summer break, yeah^^
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