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Azizbek, 33 y.o.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 500.
Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2014
Hi thx for visiting my profile. You have some nice pics of your country!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2013
Hello from Spain! I wish you a wonderful summer! kisses
inactive user
привет ))) как дела?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2011
Hi, my name's Kevin. I live in the United States and soon I'll studying the Uzbek language at my university. Can you help me practice? I'd be glad to help you with your English in return.
inactive user
Ok i will send your Hi to her as soon as possible ;)
oh it's bad :( that you got 6.5. Ok tell me in email what's your plan?where you want to go for higher education? any English Country or any EU country? what's your plan after exams?
aha Alisher (Habibi) Inshallah he will be a father :) and you dont' forget to send me baby's pic ok ;) and give warm greetings to Alisher also ok :)

don't forget to write me an email Ok?
i will be happy to read it :)
take care!
inactive user
yes I got scholarship easily, i got in all exams 8-9-10 points out of 10. so if any students get more than 7 then he or she automatically gets 40% discount. about that old women i guess you forgot, Svetlana who once talked to you when i was there via skype.

so where are you now? and gives Best Greetings To mom :) tell her that I muss Uzbek Language of hers :D
inactive user
No no ! i have some time! i am now with my friend :)))
tell me how is everything :)
i am really missing you guys!
inactive user
Asalam walaykom Aziz!

how are you brother? how is life going on? and esp. how are mom & dad?everybody at home!!! Man! big apologize from my side! i was away from PC. i went to Estonia after my exams and i got good marks :)

now a day i am free, looking for job but sadly here is very hard to find job because they require Russian & Latvian languages which is very difficult but not impossible for me to learn them.

how is your life going?what's new?still doing hotel job or got new one? Brother write me an email because I rarely come here.

Oh Man! tell mom and dad that I talk about them to that old lady who helped me to get admission. she sends greeting to you and your family :)

now gotta go, and write me back Ok!!
take care and May Allah protects and bless your family

your Brother,
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2011
hey how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2011
I heard about your country through books and one time in my geography class. I really am interested in history. And, saddly, I dpn't want to be a doctor. I want to be a high school history teacher. I'd love to help you with English.
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