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Klaczek, 29 y.o.
Tarnów, Poland [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 62.
Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2011
Ohh that's great
dont worry friend, the important is to be good on school
so study for you get the best tomorrow^^
I hope you get the best!
ohh the university is killing me
the only thing I do is studying, until on weekends! ='(
and I have to study more 'cause I'll have an other exam of Math, cause I got a 4 before :( and I wanna something over than 7
so I'm going......
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2011
Hello Ewelina
how long
how have you been?
inactive user
ohhhh so interesting :):)
and in wath tone you sing ??=)
inactive user
do you have a band :O¡¡¡¡
well i am resting because the weather is so warm and its anoying ^^
you are the vocalist??=)
inactive user
thank you :):):):)
so what plans for weekend ??=)
inactive user
my dream is travel around the world as an adventurer, withouth hotels and luxury :) write a book with my memories, help some people, take a lot of pictures, taste all the food i can, read mystical books :)
could you be my make up assistant :P??proszee
inactive user
so what dreams you have for the future :)??
inactive user
i know some guys that love school ^^really really :P
hey nice picture you put ;)
and pretty glasses :P
inactive user
haha it seems that you dont like school :P right ??=)
inactive user
it is spring in your town right :)??
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