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SuYeonLee, 31 y.o.
Cape Town, South Africa [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2007
안녕하세요? Hello, it\'s quite refreshing to see a Korean living in South Africa, I guess you\'re the first Korean I have seen in South Africa ^^ it\'s cool ^^ Anyway how are you? Do you like it here in South Africa ? Why did you move here? Hope we can be friend, leave a message on my wall if you have time ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2007
hi im fine and u?
inactive user
Korean in Africa?
I think you Korean when I saw your picture.
inactive user
I\'m alright, how are you??
inactive user
no worries, i dont really want anything for my birthday, except to see some of my really close friends. :)
When is your birthday?
inactive user
my birthday is on 19th September. i will be 15.
inactive user
Thats really cool.
I\'m supposed to be planning my birthday party. but i dont know if i want to have one.
inactive user
yeahh, i slept til 12 PM today, I had my best friend over last night.
inactive user
It was good, it was my second week of school.
how was ur week?
inactive user
thats awesome! :)
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