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Yamato, 39 y.o.
Kawasaki, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 67.
inactive user
It is :D
inactive user
Good evening!

Sorry for the late reply. I'm in Yunnan (China) now and just managed to have wifi hehe. How are you? You're back in Japan now right? Don't be sad! You can always come back for holidays!

Malacca was not bad! The night market was so crowded yet lots of snacks at the same time. We went to a few hot spots too, like Peranakan Museum. It's part of Malaysia though, the place you don't want to to for a while hehe.

I want to visit Europe too! But it's expensive so I can't afford yet. :(

Yup! I don't make my own meals. I am able to when I need to though, but only simple dishes. Maybe I'll try baking a cheesecake next time!
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2012
Linkin Park fan also! I love them 8D
and visual bands make such great music and so lovely to look at hahaha.

How was your weekend?
inactive user

It's been a while! Do pardon my late reply. I have been busy studying for my Japanese test, making preparations for upcoming trip to Yunan and Melbourne, and I went to Malacca during the weekend hehe. How are you? ^^

Ah, even though work is hard and tiring, I'm sure it is not that bad, right? 頑張ってね!Oh, you're leaving Singapore in about a week! That's quite soon.

I don't know how to bake! When I know how to, and visit Japan, I'll make you some hahaha though I don't think I'll ever be successful.
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2012
Oh so I'm not the only one who is bad with gambling lol

Yes, Yoshi of Super Mario Bros because he loves playing videogames.

If you like rock music they're really good.
Visual band, great talent (lovely look too! haha).

Do you like American music instead?
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2012
Ah you like to gamble at casinos?
I only went to the casino two times (bad luck I never win haha).

The cat's name is Yoshi.
My little cousin named her from the videogame >.<
I told him "No! It's a boy's name she's a girl!" But he didn't listen. He is 7 years old lol.

Yes it's so big here even I don't think I will see the whole country. I fly across it often but never get to stop and see. Right now I only have New York to visit. I already go to see places like Las Vegas, LA, and Miami.

Ah I wanna see the GazettE in concert ^^
Do you know their music? I like them.
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2012
Oh so you don't have much time left there. How is Singapore like?

Yes, we have a cat. She's so sweet ^^
She will be a year old in August.

I live in California, I was born here.
But for 7 years I lived in the East Coast. The U.S. is so big to travel and see everywhere. East and West are very different from each other.

This November I want to see Japan with a friend (and attend concerts). I am still unsure. Maybe yes, maybe no -_-
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2012
How long until you return back home?
lol owning fish is a good hobby, it's less expensive :)

Summer is coming near and I want to travel also. Have you been to the U.S. before?
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2012
So you're out of your country this month?
Food is good!! It's not a waste of money on food :)

What do you do for a living?
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2012
Saving money is always a good plan lol
...I think I need to do the same!

Karate must be an interesting hobby (though I think I can't even kick correctly haha.)
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