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Maryam, 31 y.o.
Guelph, Canada [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 56.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2010
Haha yes! Teeth whitening hurts! Well the gel is extremely strong, so it can cause horrifying tooth aches. Once I woke up really early in the morning on the holidays because I was in pain! The pain awoke me! I'm not sure exactly why, but your teeth become really sensitive because of the gel. Painful!

Oh man I hate greasy hair. My hair is never like that, I ALWAYS have to have it perfectly clean, otherwise it feels so wrong and it looks awful! I hate when people don't put any effort into keeping healthy, clean hair - one of my pet hates!

Oh awesome. Have you been on a double date before? I've never done that, you must tell me how it goes! I'm going to a bar/lounge place on Saturday night for an 18th, it's going to be awesome. - that's the place! How great does it look? And then I'm not really doing anything, except for go to stay with my dad. I'm seeing AC/DC live next Thursday so that'll be so much fun, I can't wait!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2010
i am jealous!
times square is where i want to go :/
it looks amazing to me..
and empire state? xD where is it? :3
you can see everything like a toy on the top? xD

ohhh... my eyes are confusing Dx
i'm trying to understand all xD
but my poor english can't get it :/
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2010
Thank you! Aw braces don't look that bad at all, everyone has them! At least you have them now - and not when you're in your twenties! So many adults have them now, that must not be all that fun for them. It's 'mediocre' for us to have them but for adults it would be embarrassing, I imagine! Teeth whitening hurts a lot - just a warning haha. Worth it though. Your teeth will look amazing when your braces are off! Are they coloured ones or clear?

Dark hair is pretty cool, my natural colour is a dull brown so you're lucky! I tease my hair too! It makes such a difference, thank God for it haha. I'm probably going to dye my hair darker again, I normally have it dyed pretty dark.

What are your plans for the weekend?
inactive user
hha ur welcome
inactive user
nice to meet you~^^
i want to know about you and canada~?
can you explain it~?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2010
i see :)
that's the most amazing school trip ever :D

i hope my school also go to NY lol
it's a huge dream though :P

what did you see on there? >_<
Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2010
i'm tired, but really great :)
thank you ^__^

i see your picture, you've been to NY! :o
that's really cool :)
inactive user
thanks for acepting me ur a very cute girl. i am mellissa
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2010
Well we should just swap places, you can come here and I'll go where it's cold! Seriously last night it was so hot, I was suffocating in the air! Thank God it's not too hot today though. Yesss I love that feeling of jumping in a pool when it's really hot, it's so refreshing. The water at the beaches down on the coast where I live in Victoria is like, ice cold. We get all the water from Antarctia. How freezing! Before I like, had all my work done, my teeth were crowded. I've had four teeth extracted 'cause before they built up to the sides, y'know? They weren't too bad but I definitely needed braces! And I had two lots of surgery, the first operation I had was where they stretched my top jaw. So weird, I woke up after the operation and I all of a sudden had a wider face and a massive gap between my front teeth! Then 18 months later, they broke my lower jaw in two places and reshaped it. I have lots of metal in my jaw now, it feels really freaky ahah! And then I've just had them professionally whitened in December! How long have you had braces for? And thank you! You're so kind! Your hair is really awesome, it looks really full and healthy! I'm jealous, I get my hair highlighted and dyed so much so it takes a lot for it to look healthy - but yours looks so nice and natural! In all of my photos, it's dyed. Never natural :( natural isn't nice on me aha. And thank you for the picture comment! You're too kind <3
inactive user
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