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Stephanie, 33 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 300.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2010
salut, ca va?
inactive user
was it school / college ??
inactive user
=) i hope ,too..!
inactive user
nothing much .. bk to college :/ .. 2day I will watch some soccer with my friends.. My fav team is playing : bayern Munich :D:D

what about u ??
inactive user
That sounded fun :))...
inactive user
:( i can't go anywhere with my friends at these times.. but in summer we can go... oh i love beaches so so much.. but there isn't any beach in my city xD..
inactive user
yes ,a night out with some girls from college and of course my friends .. we hang out and exchange gifts, but we had it this year last friday so everybody could come... ((I always exchange the gift twice if I dont like it :D:D ))

What about u ?
inactive user
lol , That's good.. :D :D
inactive user
Happy valentines day! ♥ ^__^

and sorry for the late reply, for a change haha. xD

i'm doing fine, soon off from school for 3weeks or so (studying for final exams eh), how about you? :3
inactive user
me,too..! :(:(:(:(:(:(
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