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Beau, 31 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2017
do you want learn bahasa?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 6, 2014
Halo!! how are you?
inactive user
Hi... I visited your profile and it's impressive. :)
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2014
It's possible that you have seen the photos on Google before, because I also use flickr. Why should it be automaticly not my photo?
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2014
Haha, thank you very much :) Yes, I am. I don't dye my hair.
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2014
Hi,,Nice to meet you.
Senang berkenalan denganmu.. :)

To me, its great and cool when someone from another country want to learn bahasa
so, if you want, we can be friend and shared what you want to learn about bahasa...

Thank you..
Terima kasih..
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2014
Thanks, you look cool too :3
inactive user
Your English is better than mine, Can you please correct my English grammatical errors on my profile page, Thanks. I literally would like to learn English. Have you ever studied in any International schools? I'm amazed that you are proficient in English. I think you seem to be well-educated.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2014
u're welcome :)
so, you like mocca, aren't you? bad things they were broke up ;(
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2014
your cooks looks yummy! :D
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