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Anna Beth, 33 y.o.
Rhinelander, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 203.
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2010
miss you....just sayin :P
inactive user
hehe well tell me... whats new with you? anything special happened the last time?
inactive user
yeah because you are never online! xDDD well you are when im already sleeping -.- :p
inactive user
You are supposed to be online more often -.- shame on you! xD
inactive user
Well you're a good looking girl, so many navigate toward your site ... hoping they can get the girl and citizenship, haha ... Anyways, have a good one!
inactive user
I love the part in your profile where you don't want to marry someone so they can come to the US! lol
inactive user
wow that guy must be reaaaaaaally dumb!!! xD

yeah i know -.- im very busy with school and also my gf is often at my house ... thats why im like never ever online :( ... sorry :(

well did i already tell you about me having a gf?! i cant even remember when we spoke the last time so icant tell... :(:(:( thats so ******* sad isnt it??!?!?!
inactive user
anna anna anna beth :) havent talked to you in ages!!!
how are you doing?! you need to tell me xD

i miss u :(
inactive user
haha wow some drunk ppl i swear
inactive user
yupyup That waters so freaking cold.
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