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Abdullah, 102 y.o.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia [Current City]



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Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2017
yes! is the best ahah
inactive user
Yeah it's nice.
Is it really noisy where you live?
inactive user
Hahahah its okay your good
inactive user
OMG YELLAH hurry up im about to take a nap if you do have snapchat add me zackhouir18 and my facebook is good night
inactive user
Well not just Saudia all Khalij countries anyways do you have snapchat or facebook anything ? or are you still hiding to be a weird alien lol
inactive user
Why and its Abdullah obviously You should be surprised im talking to you lol normally i dont like People from Saudia Arabia at all hehehhehe just being honest
inactive user
Well i dont know what else to say now lol
inactive user
Because obviously i was born in America and my main language is ENGLISH
inactive user
inactive user
I was Right all khalij people are weird lol
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